I am giving you permission to use your notes on the closed book portion and the open book portion. Demean 5. Go back and re-learn, take notes, and study anything in 5 ©2015 erin cobb imlovinlit.com Lesson 3 Answer Key 107 Lesson 3-1 Answer Keys 108 Lesson 3-2 Answer Keys 109 C-b 3. Finding Meanings 1. Narrative Poetry is a poem that tells a series of events using poetic devices such as rhythm, rhyme, compact language, and attention to sound. A-d 10. regular rhythm) and word sounds (like alliteration). Narrative Poetry What is narrative poetry? Avid 8. Rebuffed 7. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of poetry and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. The elements of poetry are many and while the elements explored above represent the most important of these, it is not an exhaustive list of every element. It takes lots of exposure for students to become comfortable recognizing each and confident employing these elements in their own writing. Three other elements of poetry are rhyme scheme, meter (ie. In other words, a narrative poem tells a story, but it does it with poetic flair! Excruciating 2. Elements of Poetry Alliteration is a repetition of the same consonant sounds in a sequence of words, usually at the beginning of a word or stressed syllable: “descending dew drops;” “luscious lemons.” Alliteration is based on the sounds of letters, rather than the spelling of words; for example, •3.) Step 1: Before reading the poem, ask students to list a few common things for which they are grateful (for example: toothpaste, pencils, jackets, etc. Just the Right Word 1. C-a 9. B-c 1B. SOUND PATTERNS. Resilient 9. Inauguration 10. Their regular patterns aided memorization of genealogy, oral history, and law. Read the handout Reading Poetry Aloud (For Teachers) 2. Many of the same elements that are found in a short story are also Lesson 1: Answer Key Review and assess your answers to this lesson as part of your weekly re-cap. Hand out the third page of the Poetry Guide worksheet and, as a class, discuss the structure and history of specific types of poems. Poetry UbD Unit Stage 1 – Desired Results (4)Reading/Comprehensio n of Literary Text/Poetry. B-a 6. The first poems were read aloud. Study notes with a family member or friend. Proprietor 6. Students are expected to explain how the structural elements of poetry (e.g., Title Test Test Answer Key Worksheet Answer Key; L. A. Detective: L.A. Detective - Test Sheet: L.A. Detective - Test Answer Key: L.A. Detective - Worksheet Answer Key D-b 8. A-d 2. C-d 4. The performance aspect of poetry has never disappeared; Robert Frost toured the country and earned a living mainly through poetry readings.In 2012, there were 7,427 poetry readings in April, National Poetry … Create the Figurative Language in Poetry Anchor Chart with type/definition filled in and the rest of the chart left blank. Brusqueness 3. Show students examples of other types of texts (e.g., drama, prose) and use a venn diagram to compare the elements of poetry to the elements found in the other types of text. 1A. Q. poetry that expresses the thoughts and feelings of the writer or speaker; songlike quality or set to a beat Focus: Poetry Reading Strategies & Figurative Language in Poetry BEFORE THE LESSON 1. C-b 5. Turbulent 4. These are sometimes collectively called sound play because they take advantage of the performative, spoken nature of poetry.. WORD SOUNDS Common types of sound play emphasize individual sounds between and within words: ).Have them pick one of their "common things" and explain why it's important to them. Unit 2 Lesson 19 Test- Poetry •Before you take the test: •1.) Complete the Unit 2 Review and take notes while you complete it! C-b 7. Lesson 2-7 Answer Keys 106 Poetry Practice & Assess Table of Contents Level B: Grades 6-8! •2.)