As Churchill puts it, "Laden with loot and seemingly invincible, he settled in Dublin and died there peacefully two years later." To get around, Ivar crawls, rides in chariots or hobbles on crutches. Ivar the Boneless was an extraordinary warrior whose ferocity and cruelty at times reached psychotic levels. In the History Channel’s television series, “Vikings,” Ivar is portrayed as the son of Ragnar and Aslaug and a younger half-brother to Bjorn Ironside. Ivar apparently did not participate in the Viking campaign to take Wessex from King Alfred in the 870’s, having left for Dublin. Despite this, he leads the "Great Heathen Army" in seasons four and five. Andersen's Ivar has a lifelong medical condition that's rendered his legs useless. Ivar the Boneless (Inwaer/Ingvar/Hyngwar) was one of the greatest leaders of Vikings and the legendary commander of the Great Heathen Army.He was the third son of Ragnar Lothbrok (and Aslaug) after Eirik and Agnar (Ragnar’s sons from Thora Townhart).. Ivar had four younger brothers; Bjorn Ironside, Halfdan Ragnarsson (assumed to be Hvitserk), Ubbe and Sigurd Snake-in-the Eye. Ivar the Boneless is a minor character in the movie “Alfred the Great,” portrayed as an acrobatic and agile warrior. He was a real person. Together with his brothers Halfdan and Ubba as well as his colleague Olaf the White Ivar the Boneless sailed from Dublin and landed in East Anglia. To this day, Ivar the Boneless is still subject to much historical debate, with many continuing to search to find out who he truly was. Ivar the Boneless returned to Ireland. He was a viking chieftain (and by reputation also a berserker), who, in 865 AD, with his brothers Halfdan Ragnarsson (Halfdene) and Ubbe Ragnarsson (Hubba), invaded the East Anglian region of England. 26. Ivar the Boneless was known for his exceptional ferocity, noted as the ‘cruellest of Norse warriors’ by … In 865 Ivar the Boneless decided to invade England and launched the largest invasion of the British Isles in recorded history. He had a bloodthirsty reputation. Ivar Ragnarsson or Ivar the Boneless (inn beinlausi) as he was curiously referred to, was a Viking warlord and a man of exceptional cruelty and ferocity, he was the son of Ragnar Lodbrok and Aslaug Sigurdsdottir. Ivar the Boneless Ragnarsson was a semi-legendary Viking warrior who invaded a significant portion of Ireland and England in the 9th century. Ivar Ragnarsson. The showrunners didn't just make up Ivar the Boneless. Ivar the Boneless (Ivar inn beinlausi) (c. 794 AD (birthplace unknown) - 872 AD Dublin) was the nickname of Ivar Ragnarsson. Ivar the Boneless (Old Norse: Ívarr hinn Beinlausi; Old English: Hyngwar), also known as Ivar Ragnarsson, was a Viking leader who invaded England.According to Tale of Ragnar Lodbrok, he was the youngest son of Ragnar Loðbrok and his wife Aslaug.His brothers included Björn Ironside, Halfdan Ragnarsson, Hvitserk, Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye and Ubba.. According to Viking Age traditional literature, he was the leader of the massive Norse army that invaded Britain in 865. And that wonderful, cryptic nickname? Ivar the Boneless is a legendary figure from the Norse sagas, apparently inspired by a real Viking who led a brutal army into England in 865 AD. 6. The youngest son of Ragnar Lodbrok , one of the most famous Norse Viking heroes, Ivar is said to have been born in the year 794.