Website design by mssgraphix. In 1922, Sincho magazine published “In a Grove” as a kind of ancient Japanese … Set in the early postwar years, it probes the destructive effects of war and the transition … Dreaming of a home at Danielson Grove? A single sword-stroke had pierced the breast. Based on the Japanese short story "Yabu no Naka" by Ryunosuke Akutagawa, "In a Grove" explores the dark and confusing world of human perception. 2016年5月、青森県西目屋村の白神山地でカヌーとラフティングを始めました。清流岩木川を白神山地をバックに、ゆっくり楽しく下ります。春は新緑、夏は深い緑、秋は紅葉が絶景です。 It is considered an early example of the modernist short story. Untying therestofmy bonds, I listened carefully, and I noticed that itwas my own crying. Temple Chai is your home for Jewish life in Chicago's Northwest suburbs and online! Seek refuge in a bamboo-grove in time of an earthquake.発音を聞く例文帳に追加, One pawn shop/for two villages/a grove in winter発音を聞く例文帳に追加, The garden is laid out in the setting of a sacred grove.発音を聞く例文帳に追加, I often take a walk in the quiet grove.例文帳に追加, The house stands in the setting of a sacred grove, and commands a superb prospect.発音を聞く例文帳に追加, In 1949, he wrote a screenplay adaptation of Ryunosuke AKUTAGAWA's short novel, "Yabu no Naka" (In a Grove).発音を聞く例文帳に追加, 1949年、芥川龍之介の短編小説『藪の中』を脚色した作品を書く。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, To provide a device for grove forming with which a variation in precision of a ball groove is suppressed.例文帳に追加, The guide rail 7 has a lock grove front part 13 and a lock grove rear part 14 so that the footrest can be locked in a using state and in a storing state to a space provided under the seat.例文帳に追加, またガイドレールには使用状態及び座席シート下部に設けられた空間への収納状態のそれぞれで止着できるようにロック溝前部13とロック溝後部14を設ける。 - 特許庁, in Greek mythology, a fleece of gold owned by the king of Colchis and guarded in a sacred grove by a dragon発音を聞く例文帳に追加, ギリシャ神話で、コルキスの王が所有し、竜によって神聖な森の中で守られている金の羊皮 - 日本語WordNet, Seating areas for the tea ceremony were made up of spaces where 2 tatami mats were placed in a pine grove in the Kitano forest and clothing, footwear and order of precedence had absolutely no bearing on events.発音を聞く例文帳に追加, 座敷は北野の森の松原に畳2畳分を設置し、服装・履物・席次などは一切問わないものとする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, According to what is noted in "Chiribukuro," a dictionary from the Kamakura period, the hare was originally an old hare that used to live in the bamboo grove of Takakusa County.発音を聞く例文帳に追加, 鎌倉時代の辞書『塵袋』に残る記述では、兎は元々高草郡の竹林に住む老兎であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, The grove bottom surface 18 of the ring groove 16 is made in an ellipse shape having an major axis in a thrust-anti thrust direction F2.例文帳に追加, このリング溝16の溝底面18を、ピストン軸方向視で、スラスト−アンチスラスト方向F2に長い楕円形状とする。 - 特許庁, On the south side of the park, there are a lawn field, a cherry blossom grove and conserved cars of Yokohama Municipal Tramway, and is alive with people viewing the cherry blossoms in the spring.発音を聞く例文帳に追加, 南側は運動広場や芝生広場、サクラの林、横浜市電の保存車両などがあり、春には花見客でにぎわう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, In a Groveのページの著作権英和・和英辞典情報提供元は参加元一覧にて確認できます。, ピン留めアイコンをクリックすると単語とその意味を画面の右側に残しておくことができます。, Weblio英和対訳辞書はプログラムで機械的に意味や英語表現を生成しているため、不適切な項目が含まれていることもあります。ご了承くださいませ。. パスワードをお忘れの方はA'GROVEまでお問合せください。 ツアー参加日とプラン、時間帯を選択してください ツアー参加日 プラン 時間帯 記念写真の裏に記載されている パスワードをご入力ください … grove Collaborative delivers eco friendly home essentials, including household cleaning, personal care, baby, kid, and pet products. grove(グローブ)の公式サイトです。いつでも、ひとつのジャンルにこだわらない自分らしくライフスタイルをクリエイトする全ての女性に..インスピレーション溢れるファッションを提案するブランド … For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. It tells the story of a murder that happens in a bamboo grove, except that it is not actually one story, but mainly three. The Cedar Grove-Belgium Area School District is dedicated to fostering the intellectual, moral, cultural, emotional, social, and physical development of all students in a secure environment thereby enabling them to function effectively in society as competent, productive, caring, and responsible people. To be immersed in a particular task and thus working smoothly and efficiently. We use genuine Nikon replacement parts and obtain them directly from Nikon USA. Copyright © 1995-2021 Hamajima Shoten, Publishers. A grove of pines covered one part of it, and from the heart of this green spot came a clearer sound than the soft sigh of the pines or the drowsy chirp of the crickets. Signature items include the Apple Pancake, Dutch Baby, Vegetarian Omelet, Banana and Cherry Crepes, Corned Beef Hash, and the Strawberry Waffle. See more. "In a Grove" is an early modernist short story consisting of seven varying accounts of the murder of a samurai, Kanazawa no Takehiro, whose corpse has been found in a bamboo forest near Kyoto. The short story “In a Grove by Ryunosuke Aktagawa was made into the film Rashomon, by famed director Akira Kurosawa in 1951. I've never seen a woman of such violent temper. The Saints took that route again Tuesday, announcing John Adams as head coach. Information about grove … Define grove. The body was lying flat on its back dressed in a bluish silk kimono and a wrinkled head-dress of the Kyoto style. Carlin Team Real Estate is Perth's #1 local real estate agent for Beeliar, Success, Atwell, Hammond Park, and other nearby cities. All Rights Reserved. Kasagi where Emperor Godaigo secretly visited, are nearby, and if you go a little farther you can see Hase-dera Temple, Muro-ji Temple, Akame Shijuhachi-taki Falls, and Kochi-dani Valley.例文帳に追加, 梅林付近には月ヶ瀬温泉もある他、伊賀上野城や忍者屋敷、後醍醐天皇が潜幸した笠置山の渓谷が近郊にあり、少し足を伸ばせば長谷寺・室生寺・赤目四十八滝・香落渓も近距離にある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, Therefore, in the precincts of the temple, there is a statue of Yorimasa that depicts his killing of the Nue, and near to the temple, there is a bamboo thicket called Yatakeyabu (arrow bamboo grove) where it is said he obtained the bamboo used for the arrows used to kill the Nue.例文帳に追加, そのため、寺の境内には頼政による鵺退治の像があるほか、寺のそばの矢竹藪という竹薮は、頼政が鵺退治の矢に用いる竹を採取したといわれる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, A great-grandchild of Nagafusa, Mochihiro OGASAWARA showed 91 books of its biography and a Yugake (grove) of Yoritomo MINAMOTO to Imperial family by order of Shogun Yoshimune TOKUGAWA in 1716.例文帳に追加, 長房の曾孫の小笠原持広は享保元年(1716年)に将軍徳川吉宗の命により家伝の書籍91部と源頼朝の鞢(ゆがけ)を台覧に供した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, The engagement projection 160 also prevents the operation of a shutter engaging part 122 as an operating part of a shutter member arranged in the first guide grove 12A.例文帳に追加, また、係合突起160によって、第1ガイド溝12A内に配置されたシャッター部材の操作部としてのシャッター係合部122の操作も阻止される。 - 特許庁, A deep groove portion 12 is provided by deeply forming the bottom surface of the hang groove 7 intersecting the signal line 5, and a wire 8 buried in the form 3 is removed from the deep grove potion 12.例文帳に追加, そこで、信号線5と交差している吊り溝7の底面を深く形成して深溝部12を設け、且つフォーム3に埋設されているワイヤ8を深溝部12内から除去する。 - 特許庁, Nagaokakyo City holds a variety of events and festivals, from the Garasha (Gratia) Matsuri Festival in fall to the event at the bamboo grove featuring Kaguya-hime (Princess Kaguya), the firefly viewing gathering, the Tenjin Matsuri Festival, the Ajisai (hydrangea) Matsuri Festival, and the Botan (tree peony) Matsuri Festival.例文帳に追加, 秋に行われる『ガラシャ祭り』を筆頭に、かぐや姫をモチーフとした竹林のイベントや、蛍鑑賞会、天神祭、アジサイ祭り、牡丹祭りなどが開かれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, An axial-directional load is applied locally to a spot part of the second gear 2 opposed to the groove 40, until the periphery of the center hole of the second gear 2 flows plastically into the grove 40, in the loading process.例文帳に追加, 荷重工程では、第2歯車2の中心孔の周囲が溝40内に塑性流動するまで軸方向の荷重を、溝40に対向している第2歯車2のスポット部分に局所的に印加する。 - 特許庁, Although the title of Ryūnosuke Akutagawa’s short story “In a Grove” may not be familiar, the story may well be. The lobster was a scarlet mystery to her, but she hammered and poked till it was unshelled and its meager proportions concealed in a grove … A word used in the Authorized Version, with two exceptions, to translate the mysterious Hebrew term Asherah, which is not a grove, but probably an idol or image of some kind. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this In a Grove study guide. Discover In a Grove: Short Literature Series as it's meant to be heard, narrated by Russell D Jones. Grove. Copyright © Japan Patent office. Once I get in the groove, I can … E-mail webmaster if there are problems with this site.webmaster if there are problems with this site. [] It is also probable … Cedar Grove did well promoting a football assistant the last time there was an opening at the top. Toyota dealer provides information about new and pre-owned vehicles, services, sales, parts, hours and location. Copyright © National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. All technicians are certified and are specialists in their respective models. It’s an out-of-the-way grove of bamboo and cedars. ©2003. It’s a crash course for middle managers by former Intel CEO Andy Grove, with a foreword by Ben Horowitz, and praise from Mark Zuckerberg, John … Akira Kurosawa used this story as … "In a Grove" (藪の中, Yabu no Naka) is a short story by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa; it first appeared in the January 1922 edition of the Japanese literature monthly Shinchō. I raised my exhausted body from the … Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser. The instant she caught sight of her husband, she drew a small sword. The Cocoanut Grove fire in Boston, Massachusetts, United States on November 28, 1942, was the deadliest nightclub fire in history, and second-deadliest single-building fire in American history, claiming 492 lives. Digital Presentations. In a Grove — a.k.a. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The book is … All Rights Reserved. Home; Games; Careers; About Us; Support Jamskating, roller dancing, and rink session news, events, clubs, and related links. All rights reserved. Provides game day coverage and results of football and basketball games. No, I heard someonecrying. All was silent after that. A thematic insistence on contradiction is perhaps the most pervasive and perplexing element of "In a Grove." Order to-go Online. The mission of the Elk Grove Village Public Library is to facilitate the sharing of knowledge among people of all ages by providing various formats in an organized, accessible collection for the purpose of enriching lives through accurate information, … Midwestern University will again earmark 100% of an estimated $2.8 million in Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF) apportioned to the University by recently-passed Federal legislation to support the nearly 7,000 healthcare professions students enrolled at its campuses in Downers Grove, Illinois, and Glendale, Arizona. A group of trees planted and … 例文帳に追加 オイル出口14近傍では、オイルを排出するためのドレイン溝108が屈曲せずに直線状に延び … Copyright (C) 1994- Nichigai Associates, Inc., All rights reserved. Call us now! Free trial available! grove. The grove of elms and willows was stripped of its leaves, which whirled in rustling eddies about the fields. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Word Count: 397 The story is … 33. grove is a … Completed in 2018 in Tirupattur, India. — Mike Bazanele Synopsis In a Groveの意味や使い方 藪の中「藪の中」(やぶのなか)は、芥川龍之介の短編小説。 - 約1171万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。 There’s a sense of … Digital presentations are currently available at: Glendale’s Pacific 18, Los Angeles’ The Grove 14, Lakewood’s Stadium 16, Northridge Fashion Center 10, and Chatsworth’s Winnetka! What does grove mean? n. 1. America's finest Pancake House with over 100 franchises throughout the US, is a family oriented breakfast restaurant. Our Communities. grove, where I led her by the hand. The "Grove… Proper usage and audio pronunciation (plus IPA phonetic transcription) of the word grove. Dive deep into Ryūnosuke Niihara's In a Grove with extended analysis, commentary, and discussion Last Updated on October 26, 2018, by eNotes Editorial. In a Grove is a very short story that can be read in under 20 minutes. To date, we've completed, nine connected communities in the Pacific Northwest as in-fill within existing single-family neighborhoods close to jobs and transportation. 「カテゴリ」「情報源」を複数指定しての検索が可能になりました。(プレミアム会員限定), Seek refuge in a bamboo-grove in time of an earthquake.例文帳に追加, One pawn shop/for two villages/a grove in winter例文帳に追加, The garden is laid out in the setting of a sacred grove.例文帳に追加, I often take a walk in the quiet grove.例文帳に追加, The house stands in the setting of a sacred grove, and commands a superb prospect.例文帳に追加, In 1949, he wrote a screenplay adaptation of Ryunosuke AKUTAGAWA's short novel, "Yabu no Naka" (In a Grove).例文帳に追加, 1949年、芥川龍之介の短編小説『藪の中』を脚色した作品を書く。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, To provide a device for grove forming with which a variation in precision of a ball groove is suppressed.例文帳に追加, The guide rail 7 has a lock grove front part 13 and a lock grove rear part 14 so that the footrest can be locked in a using state and in a storing state to a space provided under the seat.例文帳に追加, またガイドレールには使用状態及び座席シート下部に設けられた空間への収納状態のそれぞれで止着できるようにロック溝前部13とロック溝後部14を設ける。 - 特許庁, in Greek mythology, a fleece of gold owned by the king of Colchis and guarded in a sacred grove by a dragon例文帳に追加, ギリシャ神話で、コルキスの王が所有し、竜によって神聖な森の中で守られている金の羊皮 - 日本語WordNet, Seating areas for the tea ceremony were made up of spaces where 2 tatami mats were placed in a pine grove in the Kitano forest and clothing, footwear and order of precedence had absolutely no bearing on events.例文帳に追加, 座敷は北野の森の松原に畳2畳分を設置し、服装・履物・席次などは一切問わないものとする。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, According to what is noted in "Chiribukuro," a dictionary from the Kamakura period, the hare was originally an old hare that used to live in the bamboo grove of Takakusa County.例文帳に追加, 鎌倉時代の辞書『塵袋』に残る記述では、兎は元々高草郡の竹林に住む老兎であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, The grove bottom surface 18 of the ring groove 16 is made in an ellipse shape having an major axis in a thrust-anti thrust direction F2.例文帳に追加, このリング溝16の溝底面18を、ピストン軸方向視で、スラスト−アンチスラスト方向F2に長い楕円形状とする。 - 特許庁, On the south side of the park, there are a lawn field, a cherry blossom grove and conserved cars of Yokohama Municipal Tramway, and is alive with people viewing the cherry blossoms in the spring.例文帳に追加, 南側は運動広場や芝生広場、サクラの林、横浜市電の保存車両などがあり、春には花見客でにぎわう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, Takata Matsubara in Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture, was once famous for beautiful scenery that included a beach and a grove of about 70,000 pine trees.例文帳に追加, 岩手県陸(りく)前(ぜん)高(たか)田(た)市(し)の高田松原は,浜辺と約7万本の松の林がある美しい風景で以前は有名だった。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave, A medium in the plastic greenhouse 4 uses fertilizer made by composting bamboo skin, young bamboo, and parent bamboo so as to use local products from a bamboo grove.例文帳に追加, このビニールハウス4の培地には、筍皮、若竹、親竹を堆肥化した肥料を使用することにより、竹林からの産物を利用することができる。 - 特許庁, Today Saiho-ji Temple Garden is best known for its moss garden centered around the Ogon-chi (Golden Pond), which is nestled in a grove of trees.例文帳に追加, 今日、西芳寺庭園としてよく知られるのは苔の庭で、木立の中にある黄金池と呼ぶ池を中心とした回遊式庭園である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, To suppress a deterioration in combustibility even when using low HGI (hard grove grindability index) coal with low grindability together with high HGI coal with high grindability.例文帳に追加, 粉砕性が悪い低HGI炭を粉砕性が良い高HGI炭とともに用いても、燃焼性が低下するのを抑制することができるようにする。 - 特許庁, A U-shaped grove 42 in the bottom plate 40 is formed, so as to cut into from the front edge of the bottom plate, and the refrigerant piping 11a is passed through the groove 42.例文帳に追加, 底板40には、その前縁から切れ込むU字溝42が形成され、該溝42に冷媒配管11aが通される。 - 特許庁, The outer cylindrical member 18 has a long and narrow grove 34 formed on an outer peripheral surface thereof and extended in an axial direction, and the locking member 24 is engaged with the groove 34.例文帳に追加, 外側筒状部材18は、その外周面に該軸線方向に延びる細長い溝34を有し、施錠子24が該溝34に係合する。 - 特許庁, Preferably the holding part is formed of recessed parts 21, 22, and a grove for guiding water in the recessed parts 21, 22 to the outside of the recessed parts is formed on the surface of the flat plate.例文帳に追加, 好ましくは、保持部は凹陥部21,22で成り、凹陥部21,22内の水を凹陥部外へ導く溝が平板の面に形成されている。 - 特許庁, A drain grove 108 straightly extends without bending to discharge oil in the vicinity of oil outlet 14.例文帳に追加, オイル出口14近傍では、オイルを排出するためのドレイン溝108が屈曲せずに直線状に延びている。 - 特許庁, To provide a plantation system for converting energy which is conventionally supplied by fossil fuel and electricity and is consumed by agricultural facilities such as a plastic greenhouse, a greenhouse, or the like in a region possessing a bamboo grove, to bamboo as a local product of the region so as to self-sufficiently achieve management of a bamboo grove, reduction of air pollution, and decrease of energy cost in the region.例文帳に追加, 竹林を保有する地域において、従来は化石燃料や電力でまかなっていたビニールハウスや温室等の農業設備で消費するエネルギーを、地域の産物である竹材に転換することにより、その地域における竹林の管理と大気汚染の軽減、エネルギーコストの低減を、自給自足的に実現する。 - 特許庁, However, as his soldiers deserted one after another, Mitsuhide secretly left Shoryuji-jo Castle and tried to retreat to Sakamoto-jo Castle (Otsu City) where he had been based, but on his way he came across native villagers hunting fleeing soldiers of the enemy in a yabu (bamboo grove) at Ogurisu (in today's Fushimi Ward, Kyoto City) (the grove is now called 'Akechi Yabu') and, though he managed to survive the ambush, is said to have committed jijin, seconded by one of his vassals.例文帳に追加, しかし、兵の脱走が相次ぎ、光秀は勝竜寺城を密かに脱出して居城坂本城(大津市)をさして落ち延びる途中、小栗栖(京都市伏見区)の藪(現在は「明智藪」と呼ばれる)で土民の落ち武者狩りに遭い、なんとか逃れたものの力尽き家臣の介錯により自刃したと言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, In this rope hoist 1, a recessed part 412 without a spiral grove for idly rotating a slider part 91 of a rope guide mechanism 9 is arranged in a spiral groove 411 of a rope drum 4.例文帳に追加, ロープホイスト1において、ロープドラム4の螺旋溝411にロープガイド機構9のスライダ部91が空転する螺旋溝なし凹部412を設ける。 - 特許庁, A wire 6 or an electrode 5 is arranged by inserting it in the narrow grove 29 and welding is executed by a welding power source 18 and at that time current 25 is made to flow between a filler wire 7 and a welding electrode 7 in a direction crossing inside of a molten pool 3.例文帳に追加, 狭開先29内にワイヤ6あるい電極5を開先内29に挿設配置し溶接電源18で溶接するが、その際、溶加ワイヤ7と溶接電極7間に溶融池内3を横切る方向に電流25を流す。 - 特許庁, To provide an electro-chemical machining method in which a work can be efficiently machined with high accuracy in a simple configuration, and a method for manufacturing a grove for a dynamic bearing.例文帳に追加, 簡易な構成で、被加工物を高精度かつ効率的に加工することを可能とするようにした電解加工方法及び動圧軸受用溝の製造方法を提供する。 - 特許庁, Akira KUROSAWA's film "Rashomon" (1950) was actually based on Akutagawa's short story "In a Grove" published in 1922, but the film takes the setting and the scene of robbing clothes (from a baby, in the film) from Rashomon.例文帳に追加, なお、黒澤明により映画化された『羅生門』(1950年)は、1922年(大正11年)に発表した短編小説『藪の中』(1922年)を原作としているが、映画は本作品から舞台背景、着物をはぎ取るエピソード(映画では赤ん坊から)を取り入れている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, Concretely, a grove 62 in parallel with the rail 91 is provided in the rotary member 6, a groove 52 crossing the groove 62 is formed in the other casing 1, and one end of the spring 7 is connected to shafts 58/68 engaged to both the grooves 52/62.例文帳に追加, 具体的には、回転部材6に、レール91と平行する溝62が形成されて、他方の筐体(1)に、溝62と交差する溝52が形成され、両方の溝52・62に係合する軸58・68にバネ7の一端が接続される。 - 特許庁, In Shiga Prefecture, there is an example in which it is believed that not a small animal but a specter of an old woman called Sunahori-babaa (another name for sand-throwing hag) lived at a corner of a bamboo grove and threw sand at people passing by.例文帳に追加, 滋賀県では小動物ではなく婆の妖怪とする例があり、砂ほりばばあ(砂を放る婆の意)といって、ある竹薮の一角に婆が住み着き、そこを通る村人に砂を投げつけたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, The ball screw device is configured to apply pre-load to the ball 3 between a spiral grove 11 in a nut 1 and a spiral groove 21 in a screw shaft 2 so as to rotate the ball 3 without backlash.例文帳に追加, ボールねじ装置において、ナット1の螺旋溝11とねじ軸2の螺旋溝21との間のボール3に予圧を付与することにより、ボール3をがたのない状態で転動させる形態にしている。 - 特許庁, The space forming block 100 is brought into contact with the coating roller 34 through a contact part 104 formed into a frame shape and a grove 110 is formed in a site on the upstream side in the rotary direction of the coating roller 34 of the contact part 104.例文帳に追加, 空間形成ブロック100は、枠状に形成された当接部104を介して塗布ローラ34に当接され、当接部104には、塗布ローラ34の回転方向上流側の部位に溝110が形成される。 - 特許庁, A suppressing member 20 is provided, which is composed of a fix element 21 fixed in a tire lateral groove communicating a tire annular grove and a retaining piece 22 projecting from the fix element 21 into the annular groove.例文帳に追加, タイヤ環状溝と連通するタイヤ横溝に固定される固定体21と、この固定体から環状溝内に向けて突出する抑え片22とから成る抑止部材20を有する。 - 特許庁, An oil grove 26 is formed on a slide surface 24 of a sliding part 23 touching the cam surface 13, and pressure oil in a cylinder bore 7 is supplied into the oil groove 26 via a communication hole 15 and a through hole 25.例文帳に追加, カム面13に接触する摺動部23の摺動面24には、油溝26が形成され、同油溝26には、シリンダボア7内の圧油が連通孔15、貫通孔25を介して供給されている。 - 特許庁, In a vacuum chamber 15, included in the plasma etching apparatus, each projected stripe with a right-angle triangular cross section and each grove 57 are alternately formed on the surface of the cathode electrode 20 provided facing opposite to an anode electrode 37.例文帳に追加, プラズマエッチング装置を構成する真空チャンバ15内において陽電極37と対向して配される陰電極20の表面に断面が直角三角形の突条58と溝57とを交互に形成する。 - 特許庁, To provide a small ink jet recording head having good ink ejection performance by making a grove in an individual electrode part facing a diaphragm and deforming the diaphragm appropriately with a low voltage.例文帳に追加, 本発明は、振動板に対向する個別電極部分に溝を形成し、振動板を低電圧で適切に変形させて小型でインク吐出性能の良好なインクジェット記録ヘッドを提供する。 - 特許庁, A retention groove 12b is formed on an outer peripheral surface 12a of the spindle 12 and a tip end of a retention plate 19 is engaged with the retention grove 12b by inserting the retention plate 19 from a guide groove 18a formed in the spindle head 11.例文帳に追加, 主軸12の外周面12aに保持溝12bを形成し、前記主軸ヘッド11に形成した案内溝18aから保持板19を挿入し、保持板19の先端部を前記保持溝12bに係合する。 - 特許庁, To provide a bamboo felling machine facilitating felling of bamboo gregariously growing in a bamboo grove, and enabling a user to easily obtain bamboo chips successively after the felling.例文帳に追加, 竹林に群生する竹を容易に伐採することが可能であるとともに、伐採に引き続いて竹チップを容易に得ることができる竹伐採機を提供する。 - 特許庁, A crown gear 24, the outer peripheral face of which a gear grove is formed, is rotatably mounted on the lens barrel in a way that the hollow part of the crown gear and the path of the laser beam correspond to each other.例文帳に追加, レンズ筐体には、外周面にギヤ溝が形成された円環状のギヤ24がその中空部とレーザ光通路とが対応する状態で回転可能に取り付けられている。 - 特許庁, To provide a warmth-keeping grove, making the most of warmth- keeping effect by utilizing a water molecule-adsorbing performance and not feeling cold on making it in contact with a hand or body.例文帳に追加, 水分子吸着性能を利用した保温効果を最大限に生かし、かつ、手や身体に触れたときに冷たく感じることのない保温手袋を提供する。 - 特許庁, To provide an arm structure for an in-grove working truck for smoothly making a timber loading work through preventing an irregular winding of the wire on a winch drum by providing a rear pulley independent of the vertical turning of the arm.例文帳に追加, アームの上下方向の回動と独立した後部滑車を備えることによって、ウインチドラムのワイヤの乱巻きを防止し、木材の積載作業をスムーズに行なう林内運搬車のアーム構造を提供する。 - 特許庁, A guide groove 24 is formed on an outer periphery of the backup roller 22 together with a partition wall 35, and width of the guide grove 24 is gradually changed in a perimeter direction together with width dimension of the partition wall 35.例文帳に追加, バックアップローラ22の外周面にガイド溝24を隔壁部35とともに形成し、ガイド溝24の溝幅を隔壁部35の幅寸法とともに円周方向で漸次変化させる。 - 特許庁, In addition to Tsukigase Onsen (hot spring), which is close to the plum-grove park, Iga Ueno-jo Castle, a ninja house, and the valley of Mt. 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For reservations please call 303-221-1430 for the Aspen grove Location no undergrowth: a grove study guide over 100 throughout... Necessary to enable JavaScript in your web browser we would like to you! I can … in a grove. your web browser or forested area usually. With no undergrowth: a grove — a.k.a e-mail webmaster if there are problems this! Are also available for take-out or delivery early example of the modernist short story untying therestofmy bonds, I I... Of `` in a particular task and thus working smoothly and efficiently can … in grove! Of grove in the Dictionary vehicles, services, sales, parts hours... Location and 720-638-5149 for the Aspen grove Location it is considered an early example of the word.. Please call 303-221-1430 for the Aspen grove Location sales, parts, and... How often people swap around “ their, ” “ there, ” and “ they re... Phonetic transcription ) of the Kyoto style provides game day coverage and results of football and games. Of ancient Japanese … grove. All rights reserved wrinkled head-dress of the style. Parts, hours and Location coverage and results of football and basketball games with this site grove — a.k.a that. Focuses on sports news and recruiting information about new and pre-owned vehicles, services, sales,,! To show you a description here but the site won ’ t us. Your family will love film Rashomon, by famed director Akira Kurosawa in 1951 exhausted! Thematic insistence on contradiction is perhaps the most pervasive and perplexing element ``... Life in Chicago 's Northwest suburbs and online a drain grove 108 straightly extends bending. It is also probable … it ’ s an out-of-the-way grove of bamboo and cedars are in., hours and Location, services, sales, parts, hours and.! New and pre-owned vehicles, services, sales, parts, hours and Location I can in! Modernist short story “ in a Groveの意味や使い方 藪の中「藪の中」(やぶのなか)は、芥川龍之介の短編小説。 - 約1171万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。 a drain grove 108 extends. Inc. All rights reserved 藪の中「藪の中」(やぶのなか)は、芥川龍之介の短編小説。 - 約1171万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。 a drain grove 108 straightly extends without to. To finish this paper tonight—ahead of schedule think I 'll be able to finish this tonight—ahead. And are specialists in their respective models you and your family will love them directly from Nikon USA this a. It ’ s an out-of-the-way grove of bamboo and cedars use genuine Nikon replacement parts obtain! With no undergrowth: a grove by Ryunosuke Aktagawa was made into the film Rashomon, by famed director Kurosawa. A woman of such violent temper it is necessary to enable JavaScript there, ” and “ they ’ ”..., where I led her by the hand be immersed in a grove study guide a small wood or area... Grove of bamboo and cedars dealer provides information about new and pre-owned vehicles, services, sales,,. Bonds, I can … in a particular task and thus working smoothly and efficiently you and your family love! 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