By then, the economy of the country had started reviving, and George I had been accepted as an ideal monarch. In December, George’s second son, Prince George of Greece and Denmark, moved to Crete as its Governor General. Later in June, he traveled to Corfu. Because of his ultimatum, the Greek Assembly quickly came to an agreement and framed a new constitution, creating a unicameral assembly, whose members would be elected by universal male suffrage. The king’s other advisor, Wilhelm Sponneck, remained in Greece until 1877. (1901–1964) sowie Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (1921–2021), der Ehemann der britischen Königin Elisabeth II. George I of Greece. The king collapsed immediately, dying on the way to the hospital. An Bord der königlichen Jacht Amphitrite wurde der Leichnam Georgs nach Athen überführt und in der Kathedrale Mariä Verkündigung eingesegnet. While walking near the White Tower, he was shot from a point-blank range by one Alexandros Schinas, who reportedly was an anarchist while other sources describe him as a madman. George I ( Greek: Γεώργιος Αʹ, Geórgios I; born Prince William of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg; Danish: Prins Vilhelm; 24 December 1845 – 18 March 1913) was King of Greece from 1863 until his assassination in 1913. King George I was assassinated possibly by a mad man just before the completion of his 50 years of reign. He was also taught French and German. Britain ceded the Ionian Islands peacefully in 1864, while Thessaly was annexed from the Ottoman Empire after the … George's reign of almost 50 years (the longest in modern Greek history) was characterized by territorial gains as Greece established its place in pre-World War I Europe. Folglich erhielten Wilhelm und seine Geschwister den Titel „Prinz von Dänemark“ sowie die Anrede „Königliche Hoheit“. In return, Greece promised to respect the religious autonomy and the properties of the Muslims living in Thessaly. The powers of the King were reduced and the Senate was abolished, and the franchise was extended to all adult males. George I of Greece (1845-1913)/tree < George I of Greece (1845-1913) Edit. GEORGE I., king of the Hellenes (1845-), second son of King Christian IX. Danish prince William of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg chosen as king George of Greece. King George I was the emperor of Greece from 1863 to 1913. Until 1952, the family led comparatively an obscure life at Yellow Palace, located next to Amalienborg Palace. 1909 zwangen aufständische Offiziere den König zu weitreichenden Reformen (Aufstand von Goudi) und zur Entlassung seiner Söhne aus der Armeespitze. He was only 17 years old when he was elected king by the Greek National Assembly, which had deposed the unpopular Otto. As a result of the Convention of Constantinople between Greece and the Ottoman Empire, most of Thessaly, except Elassona, and the part of Epirus around Arta were given to Greece. As the first monarch of the new Greek dynasty, his 50-year reign (the longest in modern Greek history) was characterized by territorial gain and political coming-of-age as Greece established her place in pre-war Europe. Showing page 1. In it, he had stated that if his hope was not fulfilled, he would take any step that he deemed fit. The Greeks had long been demanding unification of their territories, a large part of which was being held by the Ottoman Empire. An der Seite seines älteren Bruders, des Prinzen Friedrich, begann Wilhelm eine Offizierslaufbahn in der Königlich Dänischen Marine. Originally a Danish prince, he was born in Copenhagen, and seemed destined for a career in the Royal Danish Navy. Aug 17, 2013 - George I (1845 – 1913) King of Greece from 1863 until his assassination in 1913. Classic editor History Talk (0) Share. Finally, in 1875, George I made it mandatory that only the leader of a majority party was appointed the prime-minister. George I was King of Greece from 1863 until his death in 1913. Unlike his predecessor, Otto of Greece, he respected the Constitution. It was part of the Ionian Islands which were ceremonially handed over to Greece, thus fulfilling a long outstanding Greek demand. He was only 17 years old when he was elected king by the Greek National Assembly, which had deposed the unpopular former king Otto. Today, he is remembered as one of the most successful constitutional monarchs in Europe. George I of Greece translation in English-Latin dictionary. Im Vertrag von Konstantinopel wurde Kreta unter internationale Kontrolle gestellt und Griechenland musste hohe Reparationszahlungen leisten. After Eleftherios Venizelos became the prime minister of Greece in 1910, he had Crown Prince Constantine reinstated as Inspector-General of the Army, and later as the Commander-in-Chief. It was attended by a Greek delegation led by Prime Minister Constantine Kanaris. George I established a dynasty that reigned in Greece until 1967. He was born in Copenhagen, the 2nd son of Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg. His cheerful disposition was an added attraction. (1862–1898),, Großkreuz des Hausordens der Wendischen Krone, Honorary Knight Grand Cross des Royal Victorian Order, Familienmitglied des Hauses Oldenburg (Dänische Linie Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, Dänemark), Familienmitglied des Hauses Oldenburg (Griechische Linie, Griechenland), „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Karoline Polyxene von Nassau-Usingen (1762–1823), Prinz Wilhelm von Sonderburg-Glücksburg-Dänemark. zum neuen König und verlieh ihm den Herrschernamen Geórgios A' (Georg I.). Oktober feierlich in Athen ein. In late 1898, a decision to grant autonomy to Crete was declared by the Great Powers. In 1896, he presided over the opening ceremony of the newly revived Summer Olympics in Athens. On 30 March (O.S. Zwischen 1864 und 1910 gab es 21 Parlamentswahlen und insgesamt 70 meist kurzlebige Regierungen. Kong Georg I av Hellas eide nr. His ceremonial enthronement took place in Copenhagen on 6 June 1863. William had two younger sisters and a younger brother. Great Britain, France and Russia, promise Prince William a compensation of £25,000 a year if he were ever deposed. 1 Reign 2 Birth 3 Death 4 Parents 5 Siblings 6 Marriages 7 Children 8 Grandchildren via Constantine I, King of Greece 9 Grandchildren via George, Prince of Greece and Denmark 10 Grandchildren via Alexandra, Grand Duchess of Russia 11 Grandchildren via Nicholas, Prince of Greece and Denmark 12 Grandchildren via Maria, Mrs. Ioannidis 13 Grandchildren via Andrew, Prince of Greece and Denmark … Also Known As: Prince William of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, Spouse/Ex-: Olga Constantinovna of Russia (m. 1867), siblings: Alexandra of Denmark, Frederick VIII of Denmark, Maria Feodorovna, Prince Valdemar of Denmark, Princess Thyra of Denmark, children: Constantine I of Greece, Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark, Prince Christopher of Greece and Denmark, Prince George of Greece and Denmark, Princess Alexandra of Greece and Denmark, Princess Maria of Greece and Denmark, Princess Olga of Greece and Denmark, See the events in life of George I Of Greece in Chronological Order. (Greek: Γεώργιος Α΄, Geórgios I; 24 December 1845 – 18 March 1913) was King of Greece from 30 March 1863 until his assassination in 1913. King George I was the emperor of Greece from 1863 to 1913. Greece’s victory in the Balkan War once again bolstered the king’s popularity. Die Eröffnung fand im Athener Panathinaiko-Stadion statt, das Georg durch den Architekten Ernst Ziller, seinen Baumeister des Königs, ausgraben und später rekonstruieren ließ. While undertaking his official duties, George I made sure that his subjects did not feel that he was being influenced by his Danish advisors. Als Georg 1885 Pläne vorantrieb den Epirus militärisch zu erobern, sah er sich der geschlossenen Opposition der europäischen Großmächte gegenüber, worauf der geplante Feldzug abgebrochen wurde. Sein ältester Sohn folgte ihm als Konstantin I. auf den Thron. Ein erster Erfolg war der Beitritt der bisher unter britischem Protektorat stehenden Ionischen Inseln, die 1864 an Griechenland angeschlossen wurden, wodurch die Enosis-Bewegung neuen Zulauf gewann. In response, Greece dispatched troops to annex the island. Instead, a young Danish prince became King George I. In Frederiksberg bei Kopenhagen wurde die Straße Kong Georgs Vej nach ihm benannt. source: Wikipedia King George I of the Hellenes Like most royal children, Prince William and his siblings were taught at home under specialist tutors. The Danish and British royal families at Windsor, the day before the wedding of Prince Edward and Princess Alexandra. Georg I. Wolfgang Dahmen zum 65. George I (Greek: Γεώργιος Α΄, Geórgios I; 24 December 1845 – 18 March 1913) was King of Greece from 1863 until his assassination in 1913. After his enthronement, King George I visited the heads of the three protecting powers at St Petersburg, London and Paris. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 9. His early reign saw constant upheaval, with 21 unstable governments forming between 1864 and 1874. William was born third of his parents’ six children. The First Balkan War in the Private Correspondence of King George I of Greece with Fritz Peter Uldall (1847–1931), in: Romanica et Balcanica. Family names such as Zaimis, Rallis and Trikoupis repeatedly occurred as Prime Ministers. His first condition was that the three protecting powers of Greece, i.e. At the urging of Britain and King George, Greece adopted a much more democratic constitution in 1864. (griechisch Γεώργιος Αʹ, Βασιλεύς των Ελλήνων Geórgios Αʹ, Vasiléfs ton Ellínon, geboren als Prinz Christian Vilhelm Ferdinand Adolf Georg von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg; * 24. His mother, Queen Louise of Hesse-Kassel, was the daughter of Prince William of Hesse-Kassel and Princess Charlotte of Denmark. März 1913greg. (1890–1947), Alexander I. Consequently, George started thinking of abdication. George was born on December 24, 1845 at the Yellow Palace, an 18th-century town house at 18 Amaliegade, right next to the Amalienborg Palace complex in Copenhagen. King Otto did not know Greek, so George I quickly learned the language. Daneben gab Georg dem Druck der Offiziere nach und ernannte Eleftherios Venizelos zum neuen Premierminister. Around 1885, when Deligiannis was in power, he tried to mobilize the Hellenic Army to snatch away the whole of Epirus. Märzjul./ 18. Mit einer Regierungszeit von fast 50 Jahren war König Georg der am längsten amtierende griechische Monarch der Neuzeit. It changed in 1953 when his father was declared heir-presumptive, and with that, William’s title changed to Prince of Denmark. Dieser sollte in den nächsten Jahren eine dominierende Rolle in der griechischen Politik einnehmen. Although his father, King Christian IX of Denmark, was not initially in the immediate line of succession, he ascended the Danish throne when King Frederick VII of Denmark died childless. Oktoberjul./ 27. George II (Greek: Γεώργιος Βʹ, Geórgios II); (19 July [O.S: 7 July] 1890 – 1 April 1947) was King of Greece from September 1922 to March 1924 and from November 1935 to his death in April 1947. George I (Greek: Γεώργιος Α΄, Geórgios I; 24 December 1845 – 18 March 1913) was King of Greece from 30 March 1863 until his assassination in 1913. They had eight children, the eldest among whom was Prince Constantine, who eventually succeeded King George I. Who was George I of Greece? Politically, it was a good choice. He was born in the mid-1840s in Denmark as Prince William of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, a junior branch of the House of Oldenburg, which had been ruling Denmark since 1448. Two gendarmerie police officers followed them at a distance. Georg erlag unmittelbar seinen Schussverletzungen. But he was assassinated before that. George I of Greece tag sponsored by: Top 25+ "George I of Greece" products on Amazon. George I, King of Greece, late 19th-early 20th century. The great popularity George I enjoyed at the beginning of war was reversed in defeat. In 1909, the king’s other sons resigned from their military commissions in response to a demand from the military league, Stratiotikos Syndesmos. His elder brother Prince Frederick succeeded their father as King of Denmark, while his elder sister Princess Alexandra married King Edward VII of the United Kingdom, thus becoming Queen of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions and Empress of India. When he was elected king, the Great Powers extracted a pledge from Otto's father to restrain him from hostile actions against the Ottoman Empire, and insisted on his title being that of "King of Greece" instead of "King of the Hellenes", which would imply a claim over the millions of Greeks then still under Turkish rule. Am 28. Later that year, the military league joined forces with Eleftherios Venizelos to call for the revision of the constitution, to which the king agreed. Dezember 1845 als dritter Nachkomme und zweiter Sohn des Prinzen Christian von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg und dessen Gemahlin Louise von Hessen in Kopenhagen geboren. In Übereinstimmung mit den europäischen Großmächten wählte die Nationalversammlung Prinz Wilhelm am 18. Although he did not speak Greek, he immediately … In 1906, Prince George resigned as the Governor General of Crete when Cretan leader Eleftherios Venizelos campaigned to have him removed. (griechisch Γεώργιος Αʹ, Βασιλεύς των Ελλήνων .mw-parser-output .Latn{font-family:"Akzidenz Grotesk","Arial","Avant Garde Gothic","Calibri","Futura","Geneva","Gill Sans","Helvetica","Lucida Grande","Lucida Sans Unicode","Lucida Grande","Stone Sans","Tahoma","Trebuchet","Univers","Verdana"}Geórgios Αʹ, Vasiléfs ton Ellínon, geboren als Prinz Christian Vilhelm Ferdinand Adolf Georg von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg; * 24. Territorial gains during his long reign did much to bolster Greek self-confidence and pride as heirs of Ancient Greece's civilization and culture, of which the revival of the Olympic Games in 1… First Hellenic Republic List of kings of Greece London Conference of 1832 Otto of Greece Amalia of Oldenburg Constantine I of Greece George I of Greece was born on 24 December 1845 in Copenhagen as Prince William of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg. Earlier, he had sought the help of the British Crown Prince in resolving the contentious issue of Crete, but nothing came of it. Um seine Rolle als konstitutioneller Monarch zu betonen wählte Georg den Titel „König der Hellenen“ anstelle von „König von Griechenland“.,,, München 2015, S. 761–778. Nevertheless, Greek politics remained heavily dynastic, as it had always been. Nachdem Sponneck eingebürgert und als Abgeordneter in das Parlament gewählt wurde, brachten ihm seine Offenheit und Direktheit große Popularität ein, die es ihm ermöglichte in der neuen Verfassung große Befugnisse zulasten des Parlaments zu erwirken. Thereafter on 22 October 1863, he boarded the Greek flagship Hellas from France and reached Athens on 30 October 1863. She was also a niece of King Christian VIII of Denmark. While his mother tongue was Danish, he learned English as his second language. About George I of Greece in brief George I was King of Greece from 30 March 1863 until his assassination in 1913. In October 1864, he took a decisive step to conclude a protracted constitutional consideration, demanding a new constitution by writing a letter to the Greek Assembly. Find the perfect George I Of Greece stock illustrations from Getty Images. George I, King of the Hellenes Georgios A' Vasileus ton Ellinon; December 24, 1845 - March 18, 1913) was King of Greece from 1863 to 1913. Aus der Ehe gingen acht Nachkommen hervor: Enkel Georgs I. waren unter anderen die Könige Georg II. He also started getting acquainted with his new country, undertaking a tour of the Peloponnese, through Corinth, Argos, Tripolitsa, Sparta, and Kalamata in May 1864. Als Ergebnis des Russisch-Osmanischen Krieges von 1877/78 wurden Griechenland im Vertrag von Berlin (1881) Thessalien sowie Teile des Epirus zugeschlagen. Duke of Kent und Prinzessin Sophia von Griechenland und Dänemark, die Ehefrau des früheren spanischen Königs Juan Carlos I. George I of Greece Celebratebrations from his DOB 23 days from now, April 24, 2021 will celebrate 285 th birthday on planet Venus 25 days from now, April 26, 2021 will celebrate 728 th birthday on planet Mercury 85 days from now, June 25, 2021 will celebrate 176 th half birthday 112 days from now, July 22, 2021 days from now, July 22, 2021 In 1865, he sent his uncle Prince Julius back to Denmark, when he found him discussing the removal of Wilhelm Sponneck with seven of Otto’s ministers. There, on March 18, he went out on his usual afternoon walk, accompanied only by army officer Ioannis Frangoudis. 18 March) 1863, 17 years old Prince William was unanimously elected as the King of the Hellenes by the Greek Assembly, a move that was also endorsed by Great Britain, France and Russia. The nation greeted the announcement of war with great enthusiasm, taking out processions in honor of their king. April 2021 um 17:43 Uhr bearbeitet. As the smaller parties began to merge, more political stability was observed. Um das ihm bisher unbekannte Land kennenzulernen, unternahm er ausgedehnte Besichtigungsreisen. WikiMatrix. in Thessaloniki) aus dem dänisch-deutschen Hause Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg war von 1863 bis zu seiner Ermordung 1913 König der … His long reign was characterized by the institution of universal male suffrage and unicameral legislature in Greece. But the move was blocked by the three Great Powers. in Thessaloniki) aus dem dänisch-deutschen Hause Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg war von 1863 bis zu seiner Ermordung 1913 König der Hellenen. Angeführt von Premierminister Benizelos Rouphos und Konstantin Kanaris trug eine griechische Delegation Wilhelm am 6. Märzjul./ 18. Beigesetzt wurde er auf dem Königlichen Friedhof im Park des Schlosses Tatoi. To honor the occasion, King Frederick of Denmark awarded him the Order of Elephant and the British decided to cede Ionian Islands to Greece. As the news spread, his popularity soared once again. However, both of them were saved. From the very beginning, he was very conscious about his position; therefore, he quickly learned Greek. März 1913greg. With that, Crete came effectively under the day-to-day control of Greece. George I (, Geórgios Αʹ, Vasiléfs ton Ellínon; born Prince William of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg; 24 December 1845 – 18 March 1913) was King of Greece from 1863 until his death in 1913. Prinz Wilhelm wurde am 24. He is generally recognized, despite some criticism, to have reigned as a successful constitutional monarch. Sponneck stieß jedoch auf den Widerstand der noch unter König Otto eingesetzten Beamten, die ihn mit der Begründung ablehnten er sei weder Bürger noch Angestellter des Staates. george i king of greece - george i of greece stock illustrations. On March 18, 1913, King George I of the Hellenes was shot and killed while out walking in Thessaloniki, Greece. On 27 February 1898, George I faced an assassination attempt while traveling in an open carriage with his daughter Princess Maria. In 1988, the silver jubilee of his accession was celebrated with pomp and grandeur all over Greece, with several international dignitaries attending the ceremony. In early 1897, the predominantly Greek population of Crete rose in revolt against its Turkish rulers in order to join Greece. George I of Greece (1863-1913) was originally a Danish prince, the second son and third child of Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg (future King Christian IX of Denmark) and Princess Louise of Hesse-Kassel. George I (Greek: Γεώργιος Α΄, Geórgios I; 24 December 1845 – 18 March 1913) was King of Greece from 30 March 1863 until his assassination in 1913. In Höhe des Weißen Turms schoss ihm aus später ungeklärten Gründen der Attentäter Alexander Schinas aus kurzer Distanz in den Rücken. Among them, Princess Dagmar became known as Empress Maria Feodorovna of Russia, the consort of Emperor Alexander III of Russia, while Princess Thyra married Ernest Augustus, Crown Prince of Hanover. Originally a Danish prince, he was born in Copenhagen, and seemed destined for a career in the Royal Danish Navy. Thereafter, he became known as King George I of the Hellenes. George I, King of the Hellenes (Greek: Γεώργιος A', Βασιλεύς των Ελλήνων) (December 24, 1845 – March 18, 1913) was King of the Hellenes (Greece) from 1863 to 1913. Nonetheless, he decided to abdicate in favor of Crown Prince Constantine after the golden jubilee celebration of his accession in October 1913. Märzjul./ 30. George I (Greek: Γεώργιος Α΄, Geórgios I; 24 December 1845 – 18 March 1913) was King of Greece from 1863 until his assassination in 1913. He was only 17 years old when he was elected king by the Greek National Assembly which … heiratete Georg in der Hofkapelle des Sankt Petersburger Winterpalasts Großfürstin Olga Konstantinowna aus dem Haus Romanow-Holstein-Gottorp, eine Enkelin des russischen Zaren Nikolaus I. Sie war die Tochter des Großfürsten Konstantin Nikolajewitsch Romanow und dessen Gemahlin Alexandra von Sachsen-Altenburg. The house was owned by King George I of Greece from 1903 until his assassination in 1913. In dessen Verlauf gelangen der von Kronprinz Konstantin befehligten griechischen Armee große militärische Erfolge. His body was taken to Athens, where it lay in the Metropolitan Cathedral for three days, draped in Geek and Danish flags. On 27 October 1867, King George I married Grand Duchess Olga Constantinovna of Russia at the Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg. March 18, 1913 . Main. Although King George I’s administration kept the Empire under pressure all through the 1870s, nothing came out of it until the Convention of Constantinople was signed on 2 July 1881. List of kings of Greece, George I of Greece, March 30, Year 1863, Greece, History of Denmark, 1860s, History of Greece, Government, 19th Century, Modern History, Europe, Earth, Solar System, Milky Way. One of them was his uncle, Prince Julius of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, and the other was Wilhelm Carl Eppingen Sponneck, a Danish nobleman. dänischer König wurde. Born in Greece, Prince Philip faced exile from infancy | 21 hours ago | Article Details | Related Articles | Share. In early 1913, as per his routine, King George I went to Thessaloniki without significant protection. Nash describes him as the only successful monarch of the House he himself established. bestimmt. Er erlernte die Griechische Sprache und zeigte sich bei Spaziergängen in Athen ohne jegliches Zeremoniell äußerst volksnah. Geburtstag. März 1913 spazierte Georg wie gewöhnlich ohne nennenswerte Schutzmaßnahmen durch Thessaloniki. As two gunman opened fire, the king tried to shield the princess. Georg war entschlossen die Fehler seines unbeliebten Vorgängers nicht zu wiederholen. By April 1897, Greece was forced to give up Crete to international administration and cede minor territory to Turkey. Originally a Danish prince, he was born in Copenhagen , and seemed destined for a career in the Royal Danish Navy . By then, his elder sister Princess Alexandra had married Prince Edward, the eldest son of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, and so it was hoped that Greece would get stronger British protection. Georg I. The youngest among them, Prince Valdema, joined the Royal Danish Navy. Although King Frederick VIII of Demark accepted the proposal, William’s father, Crown Prince Christian, who would shortly become King of Denmark, was not happy at all, mainly because of the volatile nature of the Greeks. Die anhaltend instabilen innenpolitischen Verhältnisse, ein korrupter Beamtenapparat und die schlechte wirtschaftliche Lage führten zum Staatsbankrott von 1893, weshalb die staatlichen Einnahmen einer internationalen Finanzkontrolle unterstellt werden mussten. Prinzen Christian von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, Nonnie May „Nancy“ Stewart Worthington Leeds, Königlichen Friedhof im Park des Schlosses Tatoi, Friedrich Karl Ludwig von Schleswig-Holstein, Nachfolger von Otto: Geschichte des Interregnums und der Herrschaft von Georg I. Among them, Princess Olga died when she was only seven months old; all others reached adulthood. 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Under somewhat mysterious circumstances Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg war von 1863 bis zu seiner Ermordung 1913 König der Hellenen “ anstelle von König... November 1912 zog Georg gemeinsam mit Konstantin und Venizelos feierlich im eroberten ein. Great powers once again taught the young King that he could not fully depend on usual!, https: // # /media/File: King_George_of_Hellenes.jpg, https: //, https: //, Celebrities who Beautiful. New century came with its own Share of turmoil for the Royal Danish Navy William of Denmark 1897! Appointed the prime-minister minor territory to Turkey and Denmark, moved to Crete as Governor... Brief George I of Greece in brief George I of Greece, thus fulfilling a long outstanding demand! British frigate HMS Madagascar der britischen Königin Elisabeth II Osmanischen Reich und zwang im. 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Changed in 1953 when his father was declared heir-presumptive, and seemed destined for a career in the Royal Navy. Very beginning, he wanted Great Britain, France and reached Athens on 30 October 1863 Prince,. 6 June 1863 the beginning of war was reversed in defeat on Amazon abdicate! Boarded the Greek flagship Hellas from France and reached Athens on 30 October 1863 he. Constitution in 1864 große militärische Erfolge 19th-early 20th century in early 1897, Greece troops... He quickly learned Greek the properties of the highest quality Greece in brief George I visited heads. Der Armeespitze whole of Epirus im November 1912 zog Georg gemeinsam mit Konstantin und Venizelos feierlich im eroberten Thessaloniki..