A Preview of "Big Money" in Dark Shadows Arabella Advisors, a for-profit consultancy in Washington, DC, runs a $600 million “dark money” funding network in America, as detailed in the 2019 CRC report “Big Money In Dark Shadows.” Arabella Advisors – Big Money in Dark Shadows, Warren Buffett Ties – Capital Research Group By MHProNews / Manufactured and Modular Housing News / September 23, 2019 September 23, 2019 Capital Research Center (CRC) describes itself as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is “ America’s investigative think tank .” Patriots, just follow their dirty dealings….link-to-link. Scott Walter, president of the right-leaning Capital Research Center, which investigates nonprofits and their donors, said “dark money” is far more prevalent on the left than on the right, and he specifically pointed at Arabella Advisors. Arabella-managed funds facilitated $715 million of dark money in 2019. Now, a Capital Research Center investigation reveals that a myriad of left-wing Facebook pages ran true “dark money” ads and hid their funding source: the left-wing consultancy Arabella Advisors and its half-billion dollar “dark money” network. The chart below lists some of the Increasing Equity in Grant Making. We do. How Mark Zuckerberg Almost Handed Texas to the Democrats. The Arabella Advisors network has spent $3,987,946 in “ dark money ” on 47 separate Facebook pages, (the amount also includes $48,373 from Arabella front The Newsroom’s network). Dark money outfits such as Arabella Advisors take advantage of Facebook’s vague rules to bolster the brand images of their front groups. We at the Capital Research Center first exposed the scheme in a groundbreaking report on the Arabella empire last year. “Dark money groups led by Arabella Advisors, among others, now want payback for helping Joe Biden get elected,” Caitlin Sutherland, executive director of … Its goal was to prevent another situation where political actors could mislead users about an ad’s source. It’s a win for transparency, but the font of “dark money” for leftists is bigger—$600 million bigger. Consider two key factors that influenced the 2018 midterm elections: rivers of hidden spending by groups on the left and historic turnout among liberal voters. Arabella specializes in moving dark money—that is, funds raised for political purposes by nonprofits, who are free to keep the identities of their donors a … The greatest story never told of how for-profit consultants at Arabella Advisors set up a shadowy “dark money” network in DC to funnel hundreds of millions of dark dollars to left-wing causes ranging from judicial activism to healthcare, climate change, abortion, gun control, and more. Between 2016 and 2017, revenues jumped 41 percent. Severino mentioned in her op-ed that Demand Justice, which has included Jackson on their list of favored Supreme Court candidates, is part of the Arabella Advisors Network. Arabella nonprofits’ revenues dwarfed the combined fundraising of both the Republican National Committee and the Democratic National Committee in the 2017-2018 election. These groups have been active in various effor Call it the “Arabella Effect”: Legions of pop-ups and gobs of unaccountable cash is pumped into politics through nonprofits in order to tilt elections, laws, and courts in directions their donors’ favor. The … Arabella’s Protect Our Care already brags about its new “coronavirus war room”—not to fight the virus, but to sink Republicans in the coming election. New & Noteworthy from Arabella Advisors. All Rights Reserved. During the midterms, Arabella pop-ups like Protect Our Care and Health Care Voter—each run by hardened Democratic operatives—savaged Republicans on health care, an issue many observers agree damaged the Republican brand and helped elect politicians aligned with Arabella’s donors. This method protects the donors from scrutiny since the tax forms would show the initial donation but not the causes to which the money went. Facebook’s ad transparency rules have made it harder for the average person to spot fake political movements. If leftists gain more positions of power in the near term, they’ll owe much of their victory to Arabella Advisors’ shadowy nonprofit machine. hese organizations collected a combined $1.6 billion in revenue from 2013-2017. Donate now. Organizations incubated by and affiliated with Arabella Advisors include the Sixteen Thirty Fund, the New Venture Fund, the Hopewell Fund, and the Windward Fund. Hayden Ludwig No page that runs political and social ads should be able to hide that information if Facebook truly wants transparency. “Arabella Advisors is a consulting business that supports effective philanthropy and impact investing,” spokesperson Steve Sampson said. Each of the 47 front groups was made to look independent, although one front did point to its controlling nonprofit in a small portion of its ads. This shows the hypocrisy of the ban. Documents reveal massive 'dark-money' group boosted Democrats in 2018. "This coalition of groups is disingenuous, when in reality these are just trade names of … Arabella Advisors is a Washington, D.C.-based for-profit company that advises left-leaning donors and nonprofits about where to give money and serves as the hub of a well-funded politically liberal "dark money" network. The Daily Signal depends on the support of readers like you. Since then, it’s only grown bigger. Again, nonprofits—not parties—dominate. When he is not working, he regularly…. This was reportedly for using digital marketing firms to run ads. Arabella Advisors is a for-profit consulting firm based in Washington, D.C. None of the known Arabella front groups have a managing organization or confirmed page owner as of early December. The Sixteen Thirty Fund, Arabella’s in-house 501(c)(4) lobbying shop, sponsors numerous pop-ups intended to fool voters with names like North Carolinians for a Fair Economy and Michigan Families for Opportunity. Arguably the darkest of these special interests is Arabella Advisors, a philanthropy consulting company in Washington, DC, that runs a network of in-house nonprofits dedicated to funneling money from huge liberal donors such as the Ford and Gates Foundations to professional left-wing activists. (Photo: Jesse Stafford/Getty Images). Unlike Arabella hiding its connection to its front groups, the Epoch Times was clearly linked to its firms’ ads, either explicitly in the ads’ content or in the linked content. A nexus of four in-house nonprofits, each created and run by Arabella Advisors, works hand-in-glove with professional activists to run over 300 “pop-up” groups: slick websites posing as grassroots activist groups that can appear and vanish in an instant. Arabella manages over $1 billion per year through the four non-profit entities it controls: Sixteen Thirty Fund, New Venture Fund, Hopewell Fund, and Windward Fund. Both parties’ committees together raised roughly $501 million in that period, but the Arabella network raised more than twice as much: over $1.2 billion. Arabella’s fronts hid their controller and were able to run $4 million in ads. The disruptions of 2020 shined a bright light on gaps and inequitable power dynamics that too often limit philanthropy’s ability to achieve its desired impacts. This includes myriad dark money groups propped up by the vast Arabella Advisors Network,” she continued. That’s Why He’ll Never Support It. A Billion Here, a Billion There INCONTROVERTIBLY, the chain of evidence leading to “Arabella’s Dark Money Empire” can be found below. Arabella specializes in moving dark money—that is, funds raised for political purposes by nonprofits, who are free to keep the identities of their donors a secret—between the biggest liberal donors to activist groups that attack conservatives on health care, the courts, and everything in between. Arabella is headed by Eric Kessler, a former Clinton administration staffer who’s closely connected with leftist mega-donors. When NBC News accused the Epoch Times of hiding its connection to pro-Trump “dark money” ads running on Facebook, Facebook shut down all of the Epoch Times’ advertising. Figure 4: The Arabella Advisors network includes over 340 different entities/projects. CAP received millions through the Arabella network. CRC respects confidentiality and will not share your e-mail address. We look forward to keeping you informed. White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain was a leader at the dark money CAP Action Fund before joining the administration. “This latest report is an unhinged attack on Republicans for using ‘dark money,’ without mentioning that the authors of the report and the Democratic party are the biggest beneficiaries from massive organizations like Arabella Advisors,” Laxalt, who now serves as outside counsel for the watchdog group Americans for Public Trust, said in a statement. In fact, leftists have ascended to power in recent years with a huge boost from dark money operations such as Arabella Advisors, a report noted. The campaign focuses on the dark money that continues to flow into prominent Democrats’ hands, through radical organizations such as Arabella Advisors. Ben Shapiro Examines Hard Questions in New Book, ‘Plot to Change America’ Driven by Identity Politics, Media Never Holds Climate Alarmists Accountable for Dire Predictions, ‘60 Minutes’ Shows Danger of Media Manipulation, Moving the MLB All-Star Game to Denver Makes Zero Sense. Donate today to assist in promoting the principles of individual liberty in America. After the “unprecedented” Russian election interference in 2016, Facebook instituted new transparency rules for ads about political and social issues. Deep policy understanding from over 100 experts. We can expect even more dark money and pop-up activism in 2020. Our research reveals that Arabella’s activism ramps up considerably during election years. Facebook explained that it allows organizations to create multiple Facebook pages and set up each page to run advertisements under its own disclaimer. Yet Arabella Advisors’ fronts ran ads that do not mention the controlling nonprofit in the “paid for by” section. While adding the legal name of an organization is a step in the right direction, Arabella’s compliance with this rule remains to be seen, as will how Facebook displays this new information. October 15, 2020 Documents reveal another major pass-through donor to the $635 “dark money” network run by Arabella Advisors in Washington, DC. The third ad attacks liberal dark money groups led by Arabella Advisors, who used their influence to stock Biden’s administration with left-wing activists. Then get The Morning Bell, an early morning edition of the day’s most important political news, conservative commentary and original reporting from a team committed to following the truth no matter where it leads. That’s about as “dark” as you can get. Should Government Track the Miles You Drive? These groups have also spent millions of dollars lobbying Congress on “protecting” special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the 2016 election, federal funding of abortions, term limits for the Supreme Court, and even—irony of ironies—the For the People Act, a bill introduced by Democrats attacking “dark money.”. An average Facebook user will assume the “paid for by” section is completely honest, but that is not always the case. Arabella and its nonprofit network have been criticized as “dark money” funders both for channeling hundreds of millions of dollars to left-wing organizations and for hosting hundreds of “pop-up groups”—websites designed to look like standalone nonprofits that are really projects of an Arabella-ru… The Ads Library allows anyone to see which ads are associated with a page and how much that account has paid for the ads. The Sixteen Thirty Fund is the lobbying wing of the $635 million empire run … Copyright 2021 Capital Research Center. Arabella Advisors specializes in front groups that can “appear overnight, attack conservative groups, then disappear.”. Between 2016 and 2017, revenues jumped 41 percent. Elections. In 2018 alone, Sixteen Thirty passed over $27 million through to America Votes, a self-described “hub” for coordinating the left’s get-out-the-vote operations with the goal of painting the congressional map blue. Those nonprofits in turn have some 340 front groups. In August, Facebook hit the Epoch Times with a lifetime advertising ban. It’s a win for transparency, but the font of “dark money” for leftists is bigger—$600 million bigger. It was founded by former Clinton administration appointee Eric Kessler. Arabella’s nonprofits funneled millions of dollars into dozens of leftist get-out-the-vote groups like the Voter Registration Project, which seeks to hike voter turnout among left-leaning constituencies. He Lived Under Socialism in Venezuela. And Facebook has treated the left-wing Arabella Advisors and the right-of-center Epoch Times with a double standard. Report: “Arabella” is $500 million dark money “ATM machine” for the Democrat Left 09/18/2019 / By JD Heyes Because the Left’s motto is ‘win at any cost even if it means destroying the Republic,’ they will do anything to beg, borrow, steal — or buy power. Worse still, Facebook validates many of those front groups’ accounts by providing “blue checkmark verification.”, Ad ran by All Above All with its name in “paid for by” section, Ad ran by Demand Justice with its name in “paid for by” section, Ad ran by MarketFuel Subscription Services on behalf of the Epoch Times, Arabella Advisors is a for-profit consulting firm with four in-house nonprofits. Figure 4: he Arabella Advisors network includes over 340 diferent entities/projects. To address concerns, Facebook will be “adding more information about who is behind a Page, including a new ‘Organizations That Manage This Page’ tab that will feature the Page’s ‘Confirmed Page Owner,’ including the organization’s legal name and verified city, phone number or website” in its Ads Library. Other than limited reporting by left-leaning Politico, this vast political machine receives almost no scrutiny from mainstream media—let alone from liberal “dark money hawks” like Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I. In fact, most of the Arabella front groups are not legally distinct entities (the hundreds of groups are organized under only four legally distinct nonprofits), they do not have distinct legal names. The Arabella Advisors network has spent $3,987,946 in “dark money” on 47 separate Facebook pages, (the amount also includes $48,373 from Arabella front The Newsroom’s network). Capital Research Center (CRC) was established in 1984 to promote a better understanding of charity and philanthropy. Arabella Advisors: New Venture Fund, Sixteen Thirty Fund, Windward Fund, and Hopewell Fund. The secretive Arabella Advisors may be one of the most impactful and sophisticated leftist funding outfits that you never heard of, a centralized hub that runs nonprofit arms that in turn have spawned a nexus of hundreds of front organizations outwardly designed to appear grassroots but that evidence the common theme of more government control in the lives of Americans. Arabella is the left’s best-kept secret that proves something money-in-politics reporters have failed to notice: nonprofits—not the parties—drive our politics. As Social Media Coordinator, Caleb helps CRC expose the left broadly on social media. Try the Morning Bell and get the day’s most important news and commentary from a team committed to the truth in formats that respect your time…and your intelligence. The network hauled in $635 million in 2018 alone—seven times more than the conservative Heritage Foundation and almost six times more than the billionaire Koch brothers’ Americans for Prosperity raised that year, including their respective “action” arms. “The size and scope of the Arabella network of funds demonstrates far more ‘dark money’ exists on the left side of the political spectrum than has been previously admitted,” the report says. Arabella Advisors: New Venture Fund, Sixteen hirty Fund, Windward Fund, and Hopewell Fund. Ever feel like the only difference between the New York Times and Washington Post is the name? The Daily Signal depends on the support of readers like you. Two major changes were the Facebook Ads Library and the “paid for by” section. The Left’s relentless attack on “dark money,” cast as a distinctly conservative poison polluting American politics. A little-known nonprofit called The Sixteen Thirty Fund pumped $140 … The conservative news source was honest about its connection to some $2 million in ads, and it was banned. >>> Read the Capital Research Center’s newest report on Arabella Advisors’ dark money network here. Those two funds come underneath the massive dark money umbrella of little-known Arabella Advisors, which moves half-a-billion dollars per year to … Courier Newsroom is a creation of Arabella Advisors, a little-known liberal behemoth and consultancy responsible for a hidden river of cash that poured out $600 million in 2018. In January 2020, Facebook will change its political and social issue ad policies. Liberal billionaire donor George Soros and others involved in the secretive donor club Democracy Alliance use the Sixteen Thirty Fund, the Washington Free Beacon also reports, adding that the Sixteen Thirty Fund, New Venture Fund, Windward Fund, and Hopewell Fund, all managed by Arabella, facilitated $715 million in dark money in 2019. The current system favors Arabella’s deception over the Epoch Times’ transparency. And let’s not forget the paid activists from Demand Justice—a front for the Sixteen Thirty Fund—who blasted Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmation and regularly demand Democrats pack the Supreme Court with leftist judges. / The conservative coalition, led by Judicial Crisis Network, Heritage Action for America and Americans for Public Trust, seeks to shine a light on progressive “dark money” groups like Arabella Advisors, which poured millions of dollars into President Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign, according to Capital Research Center. These organizations collected a combined $1.6 billion in revenue from 2013-2017. For context, Bernie 2020 had spent $4,132,340 for ads on Bernie Sanders’ Facebook page as of November 22, 2019. September 11, 2020, A new report from the Capital Research Center shows how a network of left-leaning nonprofits poured $600 million to influence political outcomes in 2018, and continue to operate this year. We Hear You: A Vice President, a Constitution, and a Time for Adults, We Hear You: Taking on the Left, Even in Blue States, We Hear You: From Gender Identity in Sports to Second Amendment Rights, We Hear You: From Misery in San Francisco to Impeachment in Senate, How Conservatives Can Reclaim Narrative on Environment, How Public Sector Unions Are Failing Government Employees, ‘Goal Is to Protect Children,’ Lead Sponsor of Arkansas’ Transgender Bill Says. Hayden Ludwig is an investigative researcher at the Capital Research Center in Washington, D.C. 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